Associazione Culturale Naonis | Icons of Art
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“Icons of Art” is a special project organized by the Naonis Association which promotes the work of young artists who have distinguished themselves in recent Mosaic Young Talent competitions.

The project “Icons of Art” won acclaim in the national competition “Per Chi Crea”, 2018, organized by SIAE (Società Italiana Autori ed Editori) and by MiBACT (Ministero per i beni e le attività culturale e per il turismo), for New works – perfoming, multimedial and fine arts.

The new site of SIAE, dedicated to the initiative:

The mosaic portraits created for this edition were presented in an exhibition in the Silvia Zenari Natural History Museum of Pordenone, from 21st February to 29th March 2020. The works will later be exhibited in the United States.